Email Campaigns Design Work & Animated Design Work

We are a highly professional & established team of digital designers and web development specialists based in Johannesburg.

Take a look at our portfolio below and see what we can do for you.

FNB Animated Gif Design for Email Campaign

eBucks Rewards.

All work created by Online by Digital is restricted to copy or to clone | Website Designers in Johannesburg South Africa

A website contains many different creative elements. The overall design relies on images, videos, text, and of course, the underlying code. Copyright laws protect these aspects of a site.
If any of the elements of our clients custom website are reproduced on another site, it will be by law copyright infringement.
To sum up the legalities of cloning elements on a website:
  1. You cannot clone copyrighted elements such as images, text
  2. It is illegal to use someone’s logo or trademarked material.
  3. It is legal to recreate elements similar