Acceptable Use Policy
Our Acceptable Use Policy is a description of the types of activities that are not allowed on our network and, as such, forms part of Our Hosting Terms.
Online By Digital reserves the right to request changes or disable, as necessary, any website, account, database, or any other component that does not comply with our established policies or to make any such modifications in an emergency at our sole discretion. To meet the changing needs of our customers, our business, the Internet environment and the legal landscape, this policy may be revised at any time and we encourage our customers to review this policy regularly.
If you feel you have discovered a violation of any area of this policy, please let us know by sending an email to
Table of Contents
- SPAM and Unsolicited Email
Last updated: January 2013.
Sending unsolicited commercial communication (including, but not limited to email, instant messaging, SMS, chat rooms, discussion boards and newsgroups) is not permitted via Online By Digital’s network.
Regardless of how the recipient’s email address was acquired, if email communication was not explicitly requested or consented to by the recipient or if the recipient would not expect to receive it as a result of an existing relationship, the communication is considered unsolicited (this applies to communication sent to both personal email addresses and company email addresses e.g. Email communication that does not clearly originate from a consensual sender or which appears to come from a 3rd party or affiliate is considered unsolicited.
Examples of unsolicited communication:
- Purchased mailing lists, “safe lists” and harvesting of email addresses, where the users of those email addresses have not explicitly agreed to receive communication from a specified consensual sender is considered unsolicited.
Sending emails where the recipient must opt-out of receiving further emails that they didn’t originally request is considered unsolicited.
Sending a once-off invitation to receive further information, which was not explicitly requested or consented to by the recipient is considered unsolicited.
Email communication to a mailing list including addresses of unwilling recipients or a recipient who has indicated that they wish to be removed from such list, yet continues to receive unwanted emails after a reasonable period, is considered unsolicited. - Mailing list operators should maintain meaningful records of recipient requests and their consent to receive said email communications. There should also be an option for the recipient to unsubscribe from receiving further email communications.
- When Online By Digital receives a spam complaint, in order to establish if the communication was unsolicited, we may ask you to verify whether the recipient agreed to receive communications from you and if so, when and where you recorded their email address.
- Online By Digital reserves the right to suspend or terminate the account of any user who sends out unsolicited email otherwise known as Spam with or without notice in accordance with its General Terms and Conditions.
- As a Online By Digital customer, should you infringe this policy, you will be held liable for any costs incurred by Online By Digital, both monetary and in reputation. Online By Digital reserves the right to charge the customer of the account used to send any unsolicited email a clean-up fee or any charges incurred for blacklist removal. This cost of the clean-up fee is entirely at the discretion of Online By Digital.
- The use of any other service for the purposes of sending SPAM with any reference to Online By Digital services (including but not limited to mailboxes, autoresponders, and Web pages), will also be grounds for suspension/termination as described above. If your website was compromised and exploited for the purpose of sending unsolicited communications, Online By Digital will be more lenient in resolving the issue. However, repeat exploitations of the same website and/or customer account would be grounds for suspension/termination.For further information, please read our FAQ on Spam Abuse
- Offensive Content
Last updated: May 2011.
- Online By Digital does not allow any of the following content or links to such content, to be published on its Hosting Systems:
- Content of a pornographic, sexually explicit or violent nature.
- “Hate” sites or content that could be reasonably considered as discriminatory in any way including by way of sex, race or age discrimination.
- Content of an illegal nature (including stolen copyrighted material).
- Content that is defamatory or violates a person’s privacy.
- Content that involves theft, fraud, drug-trafficking, money laundering or terrorism.
- Pirated software sites.
- Illegal gambling sites.
- If Online By Digital in its sole discretion determines that any customer content violates any law, including the Film and Publications Act, 65 of 1966 or this policy, it may:
- Request the customer to immediately remove such content; and/or
- Require the customer to modify such content; and/or
- Without notice, suspend or terminate access to any services; and/or
- Without notice, delete the offending content; and/or
- Notify the relevant authorities of the existence of such content (if required by law or otherwise), make any backup, archive or other copies of such material as may be required by such authorities, disclose such elements of the customer’s data as may be requested by the authorities and take such further steps as may be required by such authorities.
- Misuse of account features
Last updated: July 2011.
- Operating any service which makes an account feature available to third parties for any use other than normal access to that account’s Web site is forbidden. Operating any service which enables or assists anonymous or abusive behaviour by third parties is forbidden. Operating any service which affects the stability or reliability of any Online By Digital server or network component, impacts other users or the company negatively, or degrades quality of service is forbidden. All account features are to be used solely in order to develop and implement the Web site(s) associated with that account.
- Reselling Multiple Domains on Online By Digital’s Web Hosting packages to a third party is not allowed. Multiple Domains are to be used solely for the Profile Owner’s own websites.
- Shared Systems and Resource Usage
Last updated: January 2022.
Customers hosting on our shared environment may not use any shared system provided by Online By Digital in a way that interferes with the normal operation of the shared system, or that consumes a disproportionate share of the system’s resources. For example, excessive server hits, excessive bandwidth usage, excessive disk usage, inefficient scripts or database queries may compromise other users of the shared hosting environment. Online By Digital is authorised to suspend a user’s account should it be found that excessive resource usage is negatively impacting on other customers of our shared hosting environment. In most cases, the examples below do not apply to Online By Digital Managed Servers.
- Users may not, through a cron job, CGI script, interactive command, or any other means, initiate the following on Online By Digital’s shared servers:
- Run any process that requires more than 50MB of memory space.
- Run any program that requires more than 30 CPU seconds.
- Run more than 10 simultaneous processes.
- Send out mail to more than 500 recipients (email addresses) within one hour. 500 recipients represent one of the following: 500 recipients for one email, 500 individual emails or a combination of the two.
- Send or receive, through mail, any file larger than 20MB.
- Should we discover that a customer is performing bulk mail runs on our shared systems that exceeds the limit communicated in 3.1.4 above, regardless of whether it constitutes SPAM or not, Online By Digital will deactivate the user’s account.
- Custom server-side CGI scripts are to be run only by users with the appropriate package types (in Online By Digital’s case the Web Hosting Basic package or higher). No user may run CGI scripts for the benefit of external sites or services. The use of system resource limits is intended to prevent runaway CGI scripts on an unattended server. Also, processes with large memory footprints or hungry CPU requirements will incur swapping and other slowdowns that cause problems for every site on the server.
- Interactive Web applications, commonly known as “chat”, are not allowed on Online By Digital’s shared systems. These applications are better placed on Manager Servers.
- MySQL databases are provided to users of the Web Hosting Basic package and higher:
- Each qualifying individual package is limited to the allocated quota as published in the product matrix.
- Each individual database is allocated a maximum of 5GB disk space.
- Databases may not be used for circumventing package disk allowances by storing web sites within the database.
- Databases may only be used in conjunction with Online By Digital hosted packages. Access to databases from outside our local network is provided strictly for site and database development.
- Only 10 concurrent MySQL connections per database user are allowed.
- Databases may not be used to store binary files (including but not limited to image and application files). The database needs to reference the image on the user’s site rather than actually storing the image i.e. these files should be stored within the user account and referred to in the database by using a link.
- Online By Digital reserves the right to require changes to databases and database usage should they have an adverse impact on a database server and/or other user databases on that server. Online By Digital may move the database to a new server, or in extreme cases, Online By Digital reserves the right to disable any database determined to be harming performance of a database server.
- The use of “cron jobs” (processes that are run automatically at certain times, in accordance with a “crontab” file set up by each user), are allowed on Online By Digital servers, subject to the following conditions and restrictions:
- To be used only by customers of the Web Hosting Basic package and higher.
- The job must not execute more often than every two hours.
- If a cron job is likely to consume excessive CPU usage, it should be given a lower CPU priority.
- Resource limits are enforced by automatic monitoring systems. This is not applicable to Managed Servers, providing that it does not interfere with Online By Digital’s ability to manage the server on the customer’s behalf.
- Server side processes
Last updated: January 2022.
- The installation or operation of any stand-alone, unattended server-side process (daemons) on Online By Digital servers, with the exception of cron jobs as per point 4 above, is not possible. Violation of this policy will result in immediate account termination without warning. This is not applicable to Online By Digital’s Managed Servers, providing that it does not interfere with Online By Digital’s ability to manage the server on the customer’s behalf.
- This policy exists for several reasons:
- To protect the CPU and memory resources available on each server.
- To protect and enhance system security by not allowing unapproved third-party programs to accept connections from the outside world.
- Managed Servers disks running at continued high load poses a serious risk to the stability and ongoing operation of the servers. Our internal automated monitoring system alerts us to such instances. We will notify you once we receive these alerts and provide guidance on what approach to take to remedy the situation. Online By Digital will stop escalations to the customer and deactivate alerts on the server in question after three notifications have been sent and if there is a lack of evidence that steps have been taken by the customer to reduce load on the server. This means, after three notifications, you will not continue to be notified that the server has run out of system resources. More importantly, your website and/or email might become unresponsive and stop working if system resources are not freed up.
- Internet Abuse
Last updated: May 2011.
You may not use our network to engage in illegal, abusive, or irresponsible behaviour, including:
- Unauthorised access to or use of data, services, systems or networks, including any attempt to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of a system or network or to break security or authentication measures without express authorisation of the owner of the system or network;
- Monitoring data or traffic on any network or system without the authorisation of the owner of the system or network;
- Interference with service to any user, host or network including, without limitation, mail bombing, flooding, deliberate attempts to overload a system and broadcast attacks;
- Use of an Internet account or computer without the owner’s authorisation;
- Collecting information by deceit, including, but not limited to Internet scamming (tricking other people into releasing their passwords), password robbery, phishing, security hole scanning, and port scanning;
- Use of Online By Digital’s service to distribute software that covertly gathers information about a user or covertly transmits information about the user;
- Any activity or conduct that is likely to result in retaliation against our network;
- Any activity or conduct that is likely to be in breach of any applicable laws, codes or regulations including the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002 (see ECT Act) which renders you liable to a fine or imprisonment;
- Introducing intentionally or knowingly into Online By Digital’s service any virus or other contaminating program or fail to use an up to date virus-scanning program on all material downloaded from the Web;
- Forging email or other messages is forbidden. Trafficking in pirated software is forbidden. Port scanning or the use of similar tools is forbidden.
- Use of Online By Digital services to publish or otherwise disseminate information about the availability of pirated software or other material that is being made available illegally, including the publication of a list of links to such material, regardless of disclaimers, is specifically forbidden. We do not condone any illegal material or behaviour.
Compliance with the acceptable use policies of any network or system with which you connect through our service is required. If inappropriate activity is detected, all accounts of the user in question will be deactivated until the investigation is complete. Prior notification to the user is not assured. In extreme cases, law enforcement will be contacted regarding the activity.
- Security
Last updated: May 2011.
Online By Digital customers must take reasonable security precautions. Negligence could result in the hacking of websites as well as compromised mailboxes due to vulnerable PCs, website software or the use of weak passwords, which could affect other Online By Digital customers through blacklisting, phishing or spamming.
- It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that scripts/programs installed under their account are secure (using the latest version) and permissions of directories are set properly, regardless of installation method. Users are ultimately responsible for all actions taken under their account. This includes the compromise of credentials such as username and password. It is required that customers use a secure password. If a password is found to be weak, Online By Digital will notify the user and allow time for the user to change/update the password. Failure to make a password change that inadvertently leads to the website being compromised could result in the user’s account being suspended / terminated.
- Passwords should consist of at least 11 mixed alpha and numeric characters with case variations. Customers should not use a common word as a password and should change their passwords regularly. In the event of abuse Online By Digital reserves the right to reset a password.
For further information, please read our FAQ on Secure Passwords.
- Disk usage
Last updated: January 2022.
- Accounts with many files can have an adverse effect on server performance. Online By Digital has the following limit: 200 000 files (i.e. an email, webpage, image file, directory etc.), or 50 000 files per directory. Accounts exceeding the above limit will have those files and/or directories excluded from our backup system.
- Using our servers as a personal storage facility is not permitted. Any content stored must be directly related to the website(s) in question.
- Mailboxes that build up large volumes of email without being accessed are not allowed (e.g. catchall mailboxes or bounce message mailboxes). The primary cause of excessive disk usage can be due to customers having their catchall address enabled, yet never checking their primary account mailbox. Over time, tens of thousands of messages build up, pushing the account past our file limit.
- Email older than five years may not be stored on the server.
- Individual emails that are 5 MB or larger may not be stored on the server for more than 1 month.
- Online By Digital has a disk usage quota in place for its Web Hosting packages. Where applicable, customers are sent monthly emails from Online By Digital notifying them of domains that have exceeded the allocated quota, providing an opportunity to reduce disk space or upgrade to a higher package in order to avoid unnecessary charges for over-usage. Customers can regularly monitor their disk usage via the Online By Digital Control Panel by clicking on ‘Disk Usage’ under Statistics & Reports, which will give customers a reading of the total size of the package together with a summary of individual directory sizes.
- In order for Online By Digital to operate with greater efficiencies and for our customers to have the flexibility and control of actively managing their disk space, an automated system tracks, notifies and charges for over-usage.
- Managed Server disks running at near full capacity poses a serious risk to the stability and ongoing operation of the servers. Our internal automated monitoring system alerts us to such instances. We will notify you once we receive these alerts and provide guidance on what approach to take to remedy the situation. Online By Digital will stop sending escalations to the customer and deactivate alerts, on the server in question, after three notifications have been sent and if there is a lack of evidence that steps have been taken by the customer to free up adequate disk space. This means, after three notifications, you will not continue to be notified that the server’s disk space has reached full capacity. More importantly, your website and/or email will become unresponsive once your disk is full.
- Traffic Usage
Last updated: November 2020.
- Our Web Hosting packages and Self-Managed Server options have no set traffic quota. You can find out more about our unlimited traffic policy, that relates specifically to our Web Hosting packages here. It is expected that all customers comply with this policy, which has been designed to preserve Online By Digital’s server and network performance for the benefit of all our customers
- Using our Web Hosting packages and Volume Plan primarily for online file storage, archiving electronic files or streaming excessive video or hosting music is not permitted.
- Certain services may not be hosted on our Server and Colocation offering without prior consultation. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Public mirroring services that are made available for general public use
- Any website or service where the primary focus is to drive or redirect traffic from one network to another
- Reselling bandwidth and/or network capacity as internet access to end-users
If you’d like to discuss your requirement in more detail, please contact
- Combining traffic quotas across multiple servers is not supported
Last updated: November 2020.
Online By Digital will provide traffic usage per IP address and any excessive usage will be flagged with the customer. It is, therefore, not possible to apply an aggregated traffic usage model across multiple servers.
Traffic generated from a Colocation network that is destined for the internet should not be routed via a Self-Managed Server or network. An example of this is hosting a video processing system which requires a large number of servers to perform the required processing, including database, backup and redundancy servers. It is not possible to combine the quotas of multiple servers on our network.
Other examples that may generate high traffic are:
- Very popular Websites (eg.
- Large SaaS implementations
- Servers used for mass download purposes or caching proxies
- Mass mail services (eg. a free Webmail service)
- Shared hosting
- Cloud hosting platforms
We have found that the majority of our customers remain well within the acceptable aggregated data usage pattern. We will contact any customers that show a pattern of excessive usage, to discuss a feasible solution. Should you have any concerns, you’re welcome to contact us on
- Traffic & Self-Managed Servers
Last updated: November 2020
Our Self-Managed Server options have no set traffic quota. As per 1.3 and 2 of this policy, all Self-Managed Server customers are expected to comply with our Acceptable Use Policy. Any server that utilises traffic outside of this policy may be rate-limited during peak traffic periods.
- Should we identify a pattern of excessive usage, Online By Digital will restrict the available connection speed.
- Online By Digital monitors the total upload and download volume of customers to identify those with disproportionate usage. Our Acceptable Use Policy restricts only the speed of access, it does not limit the time connected to the internet through broadband, nor does it reduce the overall download and/or upload volume of any customer.
- Online By Digital will not be liable to you or any other third party for any loss or damages suffered, arising from, or in any way relating to, the restriction of access of speed as a consequence of exercising its Acceptable Use Policy.